Everything you Need to Know about Gradient Sunglasses

All about Gradient Sunglasses

We all love to hit the outdoors with an ultimate pair of shades that instantly upgrade your style and keep you sun safe. But how do you know which sunglasses type suits you the most?

With a plethora of different sorts of sunglasses available to suit your special needs and preferences. Gradient sunglasses are purposefully crafted for everyday use, under sun or shade. These perfect all-rounder sunnies are the ultimate fashion accessory and cover multiple lightning conditions to offer unmatched vision clarity.

What are gradient sunglasses?

Gradient sunglasses are two-toned glasses usually tinted from top to bottom, with a darker portion at the top while lighter shades at the bottom. Fitted to be worn in multiple light conditions, you can wear them both indoor and outdoor, in bright light or under shade.

Gradient sunglasses are therefore a complete package that offers all-around protection from UV rays, vision clarity at max, and a chance to look extra fashionable.

Made especially by adding metal oxide substance in lens material, you can give them a nod for overcast or low light days.

Type of gradient Sunglasses:

Lenses in gradient sunglasses are purposely designed for glare reduction and all-day comfort. Based on the tint on lenses, they are classified as:

Single gradient sunglasses:

As the name suggests, they are tinted top to bottom. Such that the upper darker tint protects your eye against overhead bright sunlight while the bottom allows significantly more light to pass through them.

Double gradient sunglasses:

Alternatively, double gradient sunglasses are tinted top-down and bottom-up offering a lighter window in the middle portion. They are useful for water sports where sunlight, as well as surface reflection, blinds the eye.

How Do Gradient Sunglasses work?

Generally, they have 2 shades receding from top to bottom (in a single gradient). There are double and triple gradient glasses too, providing darker tints on top and down while lighter shades in the middle.

The intensity of these tints controls the light passing through them and reaching your eye. Meanwhile offering protection from glare through the darker portion and the option to see clearly at the lighter window of the lenses.

It should be noted that basic gradient glasses may not protect you against UV light but they ensure better vision comfort when you are outdoors doing activities in sunlight, driving a car but also reading books indoors.

What are the Benefits of Gradient Sunglasses?

Wanted to know how gradient sunglasses help your vision? Here are some little-known but key benefits of wearing gradient sunglasses.

Good for driving:

As they practically shield your eyes from the overhead light as well as surface reflection with double gradient lenses, they are perfect for driving.

Vision Comfort + Protection:

The gradient sunglasses protect your eye under the sun with the darker tints on top and meanwhile offer better visual clarity and comfort at the lighter portion (on the bottom or middle of the lenses). Thus offering better vision when you are indoor or in low light.

Statement sunnies:

Gradient glasses come in a variety of styles and shapes, offering you a better chance to maintain your personal style and grab a statement-making look.

Standard tint vs gradient tint:

Standard tint glasses have uniform colour shade all over the lens. Though available in a plethora of different colour options, they have a solid single colour finish from top to bottom. Here the idea is to use light tinted glasses for indoor use and wear dark-tinted sunglasses to make an impression outside.

Whereas gradient sunglasses are typically darker at tops and lighter at the bottom. They also come with a double gradient finish having darker tints at the top and bottom and a light colour viewing window in the middle.

Standard tinted glasses are available in lighter shades say light green, light blue, lavender, orange, yellow and pink, darker tint sunglasses are dark amber, dark green, dark grey. While gradients are the combination of both darker and lighter shades on the same lens.

Another important difference among them is you need to switch between dark and light tints of standard tint glasses when moving indoors or outdoors. Gradient glasses best fit both inside and outside.

Irrespective of the above differences, both types of glasses: standard or gradients shield your eye against high-intensity lights and prevent glare that blocks your vision.

Polarized vs. gradient lenses:

When you are looking for sunglasses that can effectively protect your eyes under the sun. Polarized glasses too feature many advantages in minimizing glare and eye strain.

Thus, it’s important to know the difference between polarized and gradient sunglasses.

UV protection:

While polarised lenses, as well as gradient lenses, are the best options featuring a different level of glare reduction, it doesn’t mean they are good at protecting you against UV light. For maximum results, it’s always recommended your sunglasses (either polarized or gradients) must have UV protection to provide 100% UV blocking benefits.


Polarized sunglasses are ideal for sunny days driving when sunlight hits at the right angle offering distraction from the glare, but in certain overcast or lower contrast conditions when glare is less of an issue, gradient glasses are a clear winner. By featuring a tint that gradually recedes from dark to light tone, they shield bright light and simultaneously allow better vision in low light conditions.

Weather condition:

Polarized glasses are perfect for high glare situations such as near water or snow, whereas gradients are the ideal choice for daytime driving or low light conditions.

Are polarized glasses UV protected?

Reducing the harsh glare and eliminating surface reflection, polarized sunglasses may be the ideal choice for driving and outdoor activities on a bright sunny day, however, they are not necessarily UV protected. Wearing polarized sunglasses in extreme sunlight can pose a severe risk of allowing UV rays to enter your eye.

Thus for max protection, look for polarized sunglasses with 100% protection against UVA and UVB.

Why do you need polarized gradient sunglasses?

Not sure, what suits you best? Bringing you the best from both options, polarized gradient lenses is just what you needed all the time.

With Polarized and gradient film encapsulated in the same lens, they offer the best protection and comfortable experience. The amazing benefits of polarized gradient sunglasses are

  • Blocks discomforting glares.
  • No tinting needed
  • Both lenses match perfectly
  • Less fading over time
  • Fabulous style

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